Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Best Part Of A Mom’s Day

Its almost lunch time but I am suddenly filled with a whole lot of energy. I get out of my house, and walk for a few minutes. On the way I pass by a mandir with numerous ladies and their shiny brass "Lota." Next comes the bustling bazaar -  Yes the TYPICAL Sabji market of India. Right after is a series of new and upcoming apartments. When I came here a couple of years ago, these places had old shabby single storied houses. Right next to this block is a National Bank. People, people and more people and the variety sound, but my vision was quite blur and nothing was reaching my ears. Its a walk where I pass through so many turns and still I wonder how I remember to take every turn needed until I reach THE SCHOOL.

As soon I reach, a tall and stern man greets me and asks for the card -  Yes, schools these day do not let you take your own child without the allotted Identity Card. He takes the card and gets inside the locked huge brown wooden door.

Slowly, the door opens and out comes the tiny little man looking a little more grown up. Managing his water bottle, his bag and his tiny self all ALONE. I watch him from a distance as he manages everything and bade good bye to his teachers.

“Pssst….” I quietly said, after waiting a few moments to take in him surprised.

I see his messy hair, rolled down sock, t-shirt moved away from position - must have been fighting I wonder!


He runs over, arms wide open, with smiles galore.

All the veil lifts, and I kneel down to pick him up. He gives me the biggest bear hug.

“Kissi-kissi,” he says to me, and I perk up my lips. He smacks a juicy one on the corner of my mouth.

“Mamma, I want to walk,” he posits. So I put him down.

“Mamma hold my hand, please!”

His tiny little right hand reaches out, and grabs mine tight.

“Run, run, run, Baby,” I say to him, and he trots along, giggling.

As  we reach the bazaar he chirps in “Mamma candy!”
Someday I convince him that he can have candy once we reach home and he finishes his lunch, while on others I have to buy him "2 candy."

I keep singing his rhymes and the alphabet song all day long.

“Shhhhh Mamma. No singing.”

As we reach home he climbs back and leans over to give me another kiss, and says, “Big Bear Hug,” as he holds her arms open wide. Once again we embrace as we climb up stares - Oh! I climb.

That’s the sweet part of any mom’s day, when your kids just make you feel how much they missed you, how much they love you.

I believe this is the best time of other moms as well. Time when they get back with their kid.

When is the sweet part of your working mom day?

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