Monday, December 31, 2012

The New Year’s Resolution for Every Mom

It is the year-end already! It is the time when most of us make resolutions for the coming brand New Year. I have one resolution that should be at the top of every mom’s list.
Taking time for myself .
Being a mom is always stressful. Supporting a family and a child is demanding and difficult and balancing your working hours makes it so stressful all the time. Your lives are busier than ever. Now, to make it even tougher we have raised our expectation as parents. We constantly strive to help our children become good people, successful and make them socially and emotionally intelligent.

In this brand new year 2013, I resolve to make sure to keep some time to care for myself. I know, you would say, who has the time. However, taking a little time everyday to care for you – even if it is just 5 minutes will help. You get to stop and catch your breath. This will be the greatest gift you will ever gift yourself and believe me or not, it will be an even greater gift to your child. You will feel calmer, happier and less reactive. This tiny little break will make you more present, attentive and patient parent.

Some of the greatest stress busters I feel are getting to yoga, brisk walking and meditation and even relaxation exercises. As for me, I love to walk and I go for a brisk walk everyday for 15 minutes while DS is at school.

I got the idea while reading about a Buddhist monk Pema Chödrön. Maitri, as they say, is unconditional friendliness towards oneself. The word unconditional friendliness itself makes you feel good. We parents always love to make it hard on ourselves and feel we fall short as parents, partners and people.
In a bid to make the world a better place for my child I pledge to start with myself and make me kinder, gentler and unconditionally friendly to myself.
Happy New Year!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Meal Time = Emotional War

I am busy in an emotional war started by my DS. Yes! you guessed it right MEAL TIME EMOTIONAL ATTYACHAR (Hindi for Torture)
This has resulted in immense damage to my energy and definitely my mood.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ways DS Made My Marriage Better

The world is filled with 2 kinds of people - This is equally true for parents as well. One group keeps regaling you with horrors of parenting at every chance they get. They tell you about the rising cost of vaccines, diapers, PediaSure and tuition fees. They keep complaining about how they never get a couple time or “Me” time anymore.
On the other hand are parents who tell you how perfect their child is! They keep telling you how they have never felt closer to their spouse. They even keep on telling you why every couple should have more kids. They always keep talking about how happy they are all the time and how they find little things rewarding.

1.      Becoming a FAMILY
As for me, I am a mixture of both these kind, having DS actually changed my life. It made my marriage better. He gave a stronger sense of being a “family.” When we were “just married and without DS, life seemed like we were still dating. Now we live together and keep remind the other about whose turn it is to manage DS. We earn, spent and then we keep the extra money. There are many things that we still enjoy doing on our own. All these felt so good and made us feel that we were dating in a serious way.
The moment we learnt, we were pregnant, life changed. We were concerned about the money, how to earn more and save more. The whole pregnancy we kept talking about what values we want in our child and we still argue on that. We kept weaving new dreams of the child and our family. The best part was DH was getting more concerned; he kept tagging me wherever I would go and this till goes on. My difficult pregnancy made me more patients and taught me to depend on my DH, as I did never before. It taught him that I need him in every other ways.
The bad part was we officially stopped to just being the children to our parents as soon as the baby arrived. But then again the good part was we made our set of rules, our own goals, and our own path to victory.
2.      Becoming better resource managers
We did start talking about money more than before, but the baby’s arrival reminded us that our health insurance should always be in good shape and we have proper savings for every sort of emergencies. We discussed every purchase we did and.
With the passing of every day, we become experts at time management, since as the baby grew he was demanding more in every sense of the word. Our need to sleep, eat and even taking a bath was new exercise to display our creativity and magic. Then again, squeezing in the ‘ME’ time and ‘US’ time was very difficult but we needed it to maintain our sanity and love for each other. Today we already have routines and things work out automatically.
3.      We became a stronger team
My DH helps me a lot while caring for our DS, even though I stay at home. I in turn plan well to stay within our budget and try to have some savings each month. We keep talking to other parents about how they are dealing with their child and have little decisions on handling parenting issues. We talk about disciplining our child, setting our limitations, and our expectations. We ensure that we get involved with DS equally and take charge when the other one gets slack.
4.      We started being more health-conscious
We want to be there for our DS every time and because of our desire we wanted to be healthy, we have brought many changes in our living. We are skipping on sodas and have stopped indulging in junk food. We indulge more in vegetables and keenly aware that if one of us gets sick, it does not infect the whole family. We are still in the process of learning more about each other.

In the end, it is up to the couple whether a child will make or break their marriage. I am just thankful that my DH who has been there throughout celebrating the challenges of parenthood and make our partnership stronger with each passing day. We have decided that as a team our home should have a learning environment and that we end up being far less stressed and enjoy our company with DS.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life feels Aweful without kids around

The session break is here finally and DS was promoted to Nursery. WOW! Nursery already!
In the morning around 9:00 am, DS was ready with his bag and toothbrush in pocket and off he goes to his Granma.

The moment the car disappeared from my eyes, I started dancing. I was probably the happiest person I have ever known. The house was suddenly quite, the house was all for me, and guess what I did not know what to do first – have insomnia or just go slumber.

I am a WAHM and after every 15 mins, I need to be a tickle monster. Therefore, this trip of my DS was so much welcome for both my DH and me. We were ecstatic. We were sad that we would not see our DS for a couple of days but the thought of being all to ourselves was overwhelming.

This was our first night alone, and one of my friends calls me up and I told her I was home alone. She asked if we were devastated. “I cannot explain how severely depressed I am? I said, “I feel I’ve lost my limb.” Though I sounded overdramatic, she heard the satire in my voice.

The first day was complete with fun, but as the second day arrived, I began to grow restless. The day was blissful and we did everything we wanted. This also included some good hours of computer time. Then in the afternoon, I felt I heard DS’s voice calling me.

I should have been feeling liberated, and should have been doing something amazing with my time. However, what is this happening to be?

My mind went blank and I had no other option but to take a break. As I started running on my treadmill, I stared across the room. The dining room was clutter-free and the floor looked freshly swept. Although the room was, clutter free and pleasant but I felt something was missing.

I felt that the table looks better when covered with kids’ stuff. I felt like getting the cereal box out and scattering it across the floor to make my house look like it always looks – Not like this EMPTY. I felt I enjoyed that happy chaotic mess, than this lonely stupidity. Without him not only, me even the house looks hauntingly EMPTY.

The next morning, I woke up all alone in the bed. DH was already up and was in the porch with his ciggi staring at specifically nothing but the sky. He looked disturbed, glanced at the closed door behind me, and wished if DS could just burst through it, rubbing his sleepy eyes and smiles at us wishing us “Goo Mornin” in his precious voice. The house now looks not only stupid but also senseless with DS. 

All this time, unknowingly the motions and the rhythms of parenthood have been imprinting themselves onto our brains. Now they have become involuntary – Almost like a reflex. Parenting is a part of us now. It is no more, what we do, but what we are!

As soon as DH finishing his morning cup of tea, he got up and said, “Jaanu*, let’s go get him home, Life feels stupid without him around.”

*Jaanu -  Something precious than Jaan (life) Yes, that is what my DH calls me ;)

Images -
Thanks to  athomearkansas

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

All Your Fears About a 2-Year-Old Is True.

They do not call it the terrible twos for no reason, I suppose. I have a two year old. Most part of the day I try not to wince and I keep reminding that bringing up a child is a promise. Still, its most of the time! I guess that's how most mothers in terrible twos feel. But my DS is a terrifically terrible and totally troublesome. Unfortunately, its just not him but even we parents also have a reign of terrible twos. Its like we are experiencing our own terrible tough time since DS turned 2. I mean, it just got much harder.

To all the parents who said it will get easier, I now understand what you were really doing. You guys were simply lying, or maybe motivating us with the pep talk to get it through. When DS was a baby her was completely dependent on me for food, for cuddles, for singing songs, and now he depends on me for all that and also save him.

My Two-year-old doesn't listen. He actually hears me, but it won't really register until he is closer to 3. This mean I AM A BROKEN RECORD. I have become more imaginative and keep coming up with new creative ideas of saying 'no.' I am already sick of yourself saying the word NO, I have stopped listening to me. Sounds crazy? Yep. That's what happens when your kid turns 2.

DS wants to be really INDEPENDENT. Its great that he wants to do his own things; but horrifying in most cases. This means he wants to eat his cereal without your help - fine, but equally true is you will have milk and cereal all over almost everything nearby and even across the room. I planned ahead, bought a huge sized bib - actually a Kitchen towel. He loves to walk holding my hand and then suddenly decides to let go of my hand and run into the street. The two-year-olds are stealthy and you will never know until you have a two-year-old.

Hmmm! I am not done yet. The two-year-olds are picky eaters and this will put you in the worst mood ever. They love chewing paper, cotton, toys. I've talked to other parents at DS's playschool and they are also going through this. Meal time is the most toughest and frustrating part of my day.

Nap time! They have their own set of rules and if they do not nap during the day, then it's cranky pants time. For my DS its mostly the evening after his playtime is over and he will whine and cry and shout and whine until I feed him his dinner (somehow) and put him to sleep at 7:30p.m.Then he wakes up at 3:00am asking about Prof. Quigley.

They also turn into the meanies on the playground. But you will still have to like yours. Your kid is capable of throwing sand into others eyes and even steals the ball from the wobbly 1-year-old. So, you do not think your child will do it? Wait till they turn TWO. I know it sounds so lame then again its lame to be the parent of the kid whose own ball is stolen from him and you have be the Meanie Mother to get it back.

They take over your entire house. You will not be able to contain your child's things in the room any more. Kid stuff will take over your house. And even though you have a toddler-proof home they will surely find a way out. The earlier accept this, the happier a parent you will be.

You can no longer have your stash of sweets within sight. The kids go absolutely bonkers when they get a little sugar in their system. So again use creativity and hide them in new places. My DS never had dark chocolate or peanut butter cups, but somehow he knew he would love it and fussed until he got one.And they the sugar saga was on prime time.

Now this doesn't mean your kid is going to be just the same as I described, you know every little spawn is different. Some are little perfects and they will return back all when they become teenagers. And still if you feel the need to brag that your child is nothing like anything I described above. Then Congratulations! And maybe good luck!

After every particularly stressful day which involves too much ice cream, a public meltdown, crying on the sidewalk, and wiggling out of a hand-hold to nearly run into the street, the greatest gift comes when my DS gives me the biggest hug, looks into my eyes and say in his adorable voice, "Mamma, I lub you."

I smile give him the biggest hug and tell my 2-year-old terror I lub you, too. And I meant it.

How are you surviving the terrible twos? Do any of these sound familiar?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Super Snacks to Boost Your Kids Brain

As my DS gets back from school, the first thing he does after tossing his backpack - a snack. Same is the story for every child I know. Schools often schedule the around 11- 11:30 and the kids doesn't get out until 2. At times the after-school activities also fire up the hunger monster.

Definitely no one wants their child to dig into unhealthy junk. This means you need to provide them with some snacks that will boost their brain power as well as give them that extra energy kick. So you must be wondering what to serve? Why don't you try some of these "Super Snacks" that have shown to improve concentration and memory:

Lets begin with the one that children love. Chocolate especially, dark chocolate is best for your child - definitely IN MODERATION. That indicates that you should treat your child, to a small square of dark chocolate each day. If you are extremely bothered can serve some nuts with chocolate chips.

This one is my DS's favorite. Fruits are rich in glucose, and is brain's preferred fuel. But do not substitute fruits with cookies and candy. They are simple sugars which results in a quick spike and an equally fast crash.

Whole Grain Foods
Whole grains tare rich in vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid. They also provide soluble fiber, that allows for a slow release of the carbohydrates into the system. The best option is a bowl of  whole-grain cereal and milk, or whole wheat chapati with milk. Popcorn is also a good alternative.

This is my personal favorite, I literally grew up on this. A bowl of mixed boiled beans with salt and pepper makes an excellent snack. You can also wrap it up inside a whole wheat chapati remember to add a dash of lime for that extra kick.

Nuts & Seeds
Nuts and seeds are full of healthy fats, as well as vitamins. A handful gives you your daily requirement of zinc, and vitamin E. A healthy mixture of nuts, seeds, dry fruit and chocolate chips can prove to be an excellent super snack.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Best Part Of A Mom’s Day

Its almost lunch time but I am suddenly filled with a whole lot of energy. I get out of my house, and walk for a few minutes. On the way I pass by a mandir with numerous ladies and their shiny brass "Lota." Next comes the bustling bazaar -  Yes the TYPICAL Sabji market of India. Right after is a series of new and upcoming apartments. When I came here a couple of years ago, these places had old shabby single storied houses. Right next to this block is a National Bank. People, people and more people and the variety sound, but my vision was quite blur and nothing was reaching my ears. Its a walk where I pass through so many turns and still I wonder how I remember to take every turn needed until I reach THE SCHOOL.

As soon I reach, a tall and stern man greets me and asks for the card -  Yes, schools these day do not let you take your own child without the allotted Identity Card. He takes the card and gets inside the locked huge brown wooden door.

Slowly, the door opens and out comes the tiny little man looking a little more grown up. Managing his water bottle, his bag and his tiny self all ALONE. I watch him from a distance as he manages everything and bade good bye to his teachers.

“Pssst….” I quietly said, after waiting a few moments to take in him surprised.

I see his messy hair, rolled down sock, t-shirt moved away from position - must have been fighting I wonder!


He runs over, arms wide open, with smiles galore.

All the veil lifts, and I kneel down to pick him up. He gives me the biggest bear hug.

“Kissi-kissi,” he says to me, and I perk up my lips. He smacks a juicy one on the corner of my mouth.

“Mamma, I want to walk,” he posits. So I put him down.

“Mamma hold my hand, please!”

His tiny little right hand reaches out, and grabs mine tight.

“Run, run, run, Baby,” I say to him, and he trots along, giggling.

As  we reach the bazaar he chirps in “Mamma candy!”
Someday I convince him that he can have candy once we reach home and he finishes his lunch, while on others I have to buy him "2 candy."

I keep singing his rhymes and the alphabet song all day long.

“Shhhhh Mamma. No singing.”

As we reach home he climbs back and leans over to give me another kiss, and says, “Big Bear Hug,” as he holds her arms open wide. Once again we embrace as we climb up stares - Oh! I climb.

That’s the sweet part of any mom’s day, when your kids just make you feel how much they missed you, how much they love you.

I believe this is the best time of other moms as well. Time when they get back with their kid.

When is the sweet part of your working mom day?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Mom - Tips to stay sane in the first year

Once the congratulations come down a bit and you bring the little bundle of joy home - does the real life with the baby begins. I remember my pediatrician called it "ACID TEST." The first night with DS was a sleepless night and every night after that, he is 30 months old as of today and still gets up at wee hours of the night. Although that is rare now.

The new parents are so characterized with sleep deprivation, endless laundry, crying baby, cranky baby, an unfathomable amount of poop nappies, having the constant demand of boobies, and finally all those crazy hormones. Just enough to make you insane. And Lord save you if you are planning on the cloth diapers like in the much older days. 

I was lucky to have my parents around to help me stay sane initially, however at the end it all came to ME. I had these hand-me-down tips from my Mom to avoid such a fate and definitely stay SANE:

  1. Go outside every single day.  Make sure to go out for a little walk around the street and please do take your child with you. You can take the baby with you either in the pram or the baby carrier, or good old-fashioned carrying. Getting outside has its own charm, it does wonders. It helps keep your sanity in place. It is fine to take your baby out even they love being out.
  2. Now that you have the baby do something that you haven't done before. I played Ant Smasher while feeding him. You can either read a book, play your Nintendo DS, gaze at your iPod/iPhone, play silly games. Even in the middle of the night, you can turn on a little lamp, and indulge.
  3. At times these tiny guys are extra naughty and they wake up in the middle of the night and cry for an hour and then go back to sleep. All this while you need to be next to them patting your heart out, willing to go to sleep. With every passing minute you tend to lose your precious sanity. All you can do is to urn your tiny music system on with volumes just to soothe the tiny one and keep you going. My DS loves music and during such periods we played Baby Einstein - Baby Beethoven. It is soothing music and gets your baby distracted really well.
  4. Meet and talk with other Moms REGULARLY. When you talk to peer mothers you have no idea how big a comfort that is gonna be. If you think your child is doing something odd?  Talk to your friends it is so reassuring. Me and my friends even talked about the little breakdowns and the silly feeling you have right after.
  5. Read parenting a baby in the fist year book. I was recommended "Baby and Child Care by Dr. Spock.” They provide some invaluable information, handy and quite helpful.
  6. I <3 nap!  Yes old saying but so true sleep when the baby sleeps. Even try to get naps. You’re no good a mom if you are cranky, half asleep and short fused.
  7. Finally get dressed and try to look good. You’ll feel so much better. This was the saying in my hostel - whenever we felt low advise was to dress up. Wear nice clothes, comb your hair nice, maybe use a little kohl. Please do not use any other make-up stuff. Tiny ones are crazy guys and they sometimes start licking you as well. I even kept away from perfume for the first 6 months.
Remember your child learns from you. They do as they see you doing. If you are HAPPY your Child will be Happy.
Cheers to Motherhood

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Support System of a Juggler

My previous post describes me and most of the other moms as Maa Durga. Multitasking is the mantra to succeed. Most of the time we look like the circus juggler with weird hair and half way faded nail polish and yes the unmistakable flat shoes. The flats are sort of postpartum relieve I believe. 
This is for all the moms who resemble me in some way or the other. I have laid down a few thumb rules that act as my support system. They have worked for me hope they do the same for you.

Bring out that Super Mama in you
  1. To begin with you will need a fully supportive spouse. My DH is so sweet he can stand in at any time for anything I do (of course, for the children and what were you thinking!) He can sometimes even manage to do SOMETHINGS really better than me. He has been beside me right from the initial days of being a parent, although it took him sometime and whole lot of coaxing to become one active parent. A mom is more instinct driven and they make time in their life for the child the day they know they have the BUN IN THE OVEN. You just need to expect from your husband and let your husband know of that. Many women give up on expecting, but they must! Do all the ladies hear me???
  2. Be ready to meet any situation, be brave no problem is big enough. You do not actually have solution for a problem in advance.Just remember nothing can be worst than YOU! Yeah! time to metamorphose Maa Durga into Maa Kali.
  3. There will be times when the going gets tough. You will have sick days, holidays, rainy days and definitely oh so sleepy days. Its better to take the child with you if your work place is friendly. On special days like this nothing more than leaving your child under uncertain care brings down your efficiency. With the child around you get piece of mind and can work comfortably. and definitely in your office they will feel a little lost and hence will keep quite.
  4. My first and foremost reason of staying in Kolkata - Guess what?? Maids. I would not be able to survive without the domestic help. Although most of the time they are a pain in the butt, but they make life so EASY. However, I simply do not leave every tasks to the judgment of the maid and Yes! I supervise them. They make life so smooth - cooking, housework, ironwala, janitor- A big THANKS to all the people who work in my home.  Moms who are in areas where domestic help is awfully expensive can definitely take help of the corporate daycare. They are excellent and provides good environment for your child. 
  5. Met some of the moms who constantly fine reason for not doing things. I grew up with the - "Where there is a will, there is a way" attitude. Certainly, I have been lucky but if you start looking you will definitely find a solution. 
Hope all you moms find it of good help.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I am Maa Durga

I am MAA Durga, alas with only two hands!

My life is Chaotic, Crazy, Eccentric, Weird, and definitely Hilarious.

These are of course just some of the few tame words that do justice to my job description. Meet me I am the multitasking mom trying to strike a balance with almost 15 or more activities every hour. Working on my blog and my job as a freelancer additional. My range is from supervising the maids, attending the Ironwala and the doodhwala, organizing the clutter and run all day long behind an extremely active toddler. Oh did I miss my Home office and sipping INFUSION....!

Most part of the day I resemble the hapless circus juggler, with a performance pressure of not having five of them come crashing down on you. On days when I succeed doing all of them perfectly I almost feel like Maa Durga - not the circus juggler Puhleez!

Stay-at-home mom? Nah, that does not work for me - its way too tame, womanish for my profile. I prefer to be an efficient WORKING AT HOME MOM. Although that makes me feel a little too active and a little too lost sometimes but I love being that  Maa Durga - Multitasking.

Same is the story for most mothers around Kolkata. Atleast all the mothers at my DS's Playschool. Five minutes to get ready each morning and they end up brushing their hair in the taxi/car on the way to work and trust on every single cheap tricks to look presentable. 

The word of our life - "Hurry!" Surprised! I thought you knew.

There are a couple of my own cheap tricks and they work great for me. Hope they do the same for you as well.

Cheer up! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Need Inspirations

Life of a mom is filled with Thrill and you know what exactly I am saying!
So when they finally go to bed and you feel like grabbing either the wine or the smooth chocolate BUT  what about the calories???

Here is a zero calorie alternative to help you rejuvenate before the time bomb tickles again.
  1. Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone
  2. Mothers are all slightly insane. ~ J.D. Salinger
  3. My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. ~ George Washington
  4. There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one ~ Jill Churchill
  5. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. ~ Honoré de Balzac
  6. In the man whose childhood has known caresses, there is always a fiber of memory that can be touched to gentle issues. ~ George Eliot
  7. There was never a great man who had not a great mother. ~ Olive Schreiner
  8. There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother. ~ Sarah Josepha Hale
  9. Mothers have as powerful an influence over the welfare of future generations as all other earthly causes combined. ~ John S C Abbott
  10. The joys of motherhood are never fully experienced until the children are in bed. ~ Author Unknown (wish it was ME!)
Every Bong Mom out there go out print this and get ready for the next morning.